Sturgeon Species of the World
The order Acipenseriformes has 27 species with very varied characteristics, developed by each species. The geographical distribution of sturgeon species is large, they live and reproduce in 85 major areas, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, which are dispersed only in the temperate and cold region of the northern hemisphere(Bemis & Kynard, 1997).
The 27 species of sturgeons and paddlefish, which are still found on Earth today (*26 species from 2020), belong to families Acipenseridae and Polyodontidae.

The family Acipenseridae has 25 sturgeon species grouped into four genera: Huso (2 species), Acipenser (17 species), Pseudoscaphirhynchus (3 species) and Scaphirhynchus(3 species).
The family Polyodontidae has 2 paddlefish species grouped into two genera: Psephurus (one species) Polyodon (one species).

*Unfortunately, in early 2020, Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) was declared extinct by Chinese officials.
All the 27 species of sturgeons and paddlefish are represented in the artwork “Sturgeon Species”. This is made by the international artist Florian Doru Chrihană in collaboration with Tudor Ionescu, according to the CITES Identification Guide – Sturgeons and Paddlefish and is part of the collection“Centuries of Danube Sturgeon” .

All rights reserved
© Crihană, F. D. & Ionescu, T., 2019, Sturgeon Species, Centuries of Danube Sturgeon, Galati, Aquatic Biodiversity Center,
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Author: Ionescu, T. (2020). Sturgeon Species of the World;